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Positive Behaviour Intervention Support program enables all students to own their behaviour, and be accountable for their behaviour, promote and develop a culture of raising self-esteem, respect for others and positive relationships with peers and adults throughout the school. 

The purpose of our school-wide positive behaviour education is to establish an environment in which students can effectively manage their own behaviour, and achievement is increased as a result. 


Regulation - We all use the programme ‘Zones of Regulation’. We do this so our school community can have the same approach to managing emotions. 

Each day students are asked to assess how they are travelling. As they enter the classroom for the start of the day, they let the teacher know if they are in the blue – zone, green zone, yellow zone, or red zone. Each class repeats this review after recess break and coming in after lunch. IF needed students can use their classroom chill corners, spend up to 10 minutes to help calm their emotions. 

During the day students can request to use the beehive for a deeper break. When they arrive in the library for their beehive break, they sign in, set a 10-minute timer, and discuss, with staff, which zone they are in. In the library – we have a space called the Beehive area which is equipped with activities that help the students complete an interoception activity in quietness. 

Interoception helps you understand and feel what is going on inside your body. People who are successful at this are more able to self-regulate. 



Restorative practise - There are five restorative practice questions that we use when children are having a conflict, a dispute, or a misunderstanding.  

  1. The first question is, ‘What happened? Everybody has a turn and explains in their words what they consider to have happened.  
  2. The second question is, ‘What were you thinking at the time? This is where we find out what people’s intentions were or what they were thinking while the incident was occurring. 
  3. The third question, is ‘What have you thought about since?’ Everybody has a turn to tell us what they have thought about since the incident. And often you see that they've corrected their thinking or they're letting other people know what their thoughts have been since then.  
  4. The fourth question is, ‘Who's been affected and in what way?’ People are able to say how they're feeling about what's occured.  
  5. The fifth question is, ‘What can we do to make things right?’  People give their opinions about how to fix something. Traditionally we've done these 5 questions in a session inside around a round table.  

We now have a restorative bench outside which means that we don't have to use our business cards inside. We think it is important to have an open discussion as this often helps with bullying prevention. The main thing we hope is that the students will have a skill for life. We want them to be familiar with the idea that you can sit down and discuss things and come to some resolution.